© Gosling Gifts and Games
Castlefreke, Clonakilty, County Cork, Ireland
Telephone : +353 (0) 23 8840662 Email : gosling@goslinggames.ie Website : www.goslinggiftsandgames.com
1000 piece jigsaw from Gosling Gifts and Games
Suitable for all ages and fun for all the family
66.5 cm x 50 cm with story on the back
Buy it now for €19.50 and get free postage in the EU
There once was a hunter and a warrior named Fionn Mac Cumhaill, renowned for his knowledge and for his victories in battle. However he was less fortunate in his search for love. One day, while hunting on the Hill of Allen along with his tribe, the Fianna, and his pack of hounds, two of the pack, Bran and Sceoland, chanced upon a doe and held it at bay unharmed until Fionn rode up... more of the story on the box.
Artwork by Courtney Davis